- 05/04/2023

Sheffield FC has multiple openings within our Community Section, working with our Wildcats and HAF camps with supplementary work with Matchday Event Staff for stewarding, turnstile etc available. All are paid roles and can be combined or taken as a standalone role.
Main roles include.
- Wildcats Sessions (Girls after school football) - Monday to Thursday sessions - 1 hour delivery (2 hours paid to cover planning and travel) - Times generally 3.10 to 4.10pm each day - £10 per hour (£20 per session) - Minimum level 1 coaching football certificate.
- HAF Camps (5 to 11 years old multi-sports) - All during school holiday periods - 4 hours delivery a day (5 hours paid to cover set up and break down) - All day 9:30am to 2:30pm - £10 per hour (£50 per day) - Minimum Level 1 coaching football certificate (or any other sport level 1).
- Scholarships (at Meadowhead) - Monday 1 to 3pm, Tuesday 3 to 4pm, Wednesday Game (3 to 5 hours generally 12 to 5pm, depending if home or away) - £35 per training session, £50 per match - Minimum Level 2 coaching football (UEFA B preferred).
All staff would need current and in date First Aid and Safeguarding in place and be open to apply for a DBS before they could work.
All applications to be sent to