Sign up to the Sheffield FC Matchday Experience
- 10/01/2024

An Age-friendly Sheffield is an inclusive city. A city that supports people of all ages to live well. A city that values and respects people of all ages. It’s a healthy, well-connected, social, prosperous, and fun place to live. It's the kind of city that you want to grow older in.
The Sheffield FC Matchday Experience is for the people of Sheffield to meet up, grab a bite to eat and a coffee/tea, have a chat, then head down to watch Sheffield FC at The Home of Football with a pie and a Bovril in hand.....and it's all for free!
The group is multi-generational and you can even bring a friend or family member.
They meet at the Sheffield Transport Sports Club (Greenhill Main Rd, Lowedges, Sheffield S8 7RH) around 12:30pm and then you transported to the Sheffield FC ground in Dronfield.
Please email to show your interest.