- 10/12/2024

Sheffield FC - In Winter - By Chris Towers
This month I reflect on football played in winter when the elements seem to conspire but the harsh conditions make it strangely more enjoyable. The orangeness of the ball in times past and the huddling together made for memories. The shirts always seemed shinier, the weather always colder and the air so much thicker. Food always seemed to taste better in the chill of winter. My poem seeks to capture these recollections.
And it was in winter that snow befell
upon the Sheffield turf like powder light,
a dusting made for season, dressed for an
orange leather ball glowing Jaffa bright.
And the floodlights cascaded light upon
the sheen of flakes as fires of sunset pink
dipped upon the horizon, like beacons
from the city shining over Dronfield.
The ball punted high and low as soft ice
balls drifted , tender as tissue paper,
with your eyes of teacup china blueness
and your coat as red as bright tomatoes.
You saw the Jaffa ball fly in the snow
poked peas and pickles in a plastic cup,
watched the steam snake into the chilly air
as you shone in your shiny Sheffield shirt.
With legs a pumping like steaming engine,
the Sheffield Striker unleashed the leather,
lost in the lights and drifting shards of white
you then saw it nestle in the netting.
You smelled hops from the coach and horses,
heard referee whistles in the brothy
air, saw amber lights on the Sheffield Road
as you clasped your winter bonnet, tight.