- 12/03/2024

Words by Pete Donohoe - Chairman of Sheffield FC Inclusive
In 2015/2016 I took my son to a disability football training session at Hillsborough College (Sheffield Rangers). I was just a Dad on the side of the pitch willing him to get through 60 minutes without becoming frustrated that he didn’t understand or that physically he couldn’t do the tasks. More often he’d not make it through – sitting off to the side in tears.
We persevered and I got more involved, initially helping with sponsorship and marketing, and then latterly coaching and taking over from the brilliant Lee Higgins (the founder/pioneer) as Chairman of Sheffield FC Inclusive. There’s been tonnes of fun, trials, tribulations, fallouts, loss and amazing life-affirming success - more to follow.
So this week 8 years later it’s my son’s last few days as a junior along with 7 other kids I’ve looked after. They will move up to play in the adult disability leagues. I couldn’t be prouder, win or lose - I’m still just the Dad on the side of the pitch and he’s the one leading the team typically with incredible effort and plenty of humour – good luck Son!
Anyone with kids that are DIFFERENT and are struggling to fit into mainstream football, then come and join our club, Sheffield FC Inclusive - we’ll look after them with care, patience, and love x